Why Does Instagram Say This Story Is Unavailable?

Instagram stories are a popular feature allowing users to share temporary photos and videos with their followers, often accompanied by text, music, and various interactive elements. However, users sometimes encounter the message “This story is unavailable,” which can be both confusing and frustrating. Understanding why this message appears is essential for navigating and troubleshooting issues on the platform.

why does instagram say this story is unavailable


One common reason for a story being unavailable is that it has expired. Instagram stories are designed to be ephemeral, disappearing 24 hours after they are posted. If you attempt to view a story after this period, it will no longer be accessible, and you will receive the “unavailable” message.

Another reason could be related to privacy settings or account restrictions. If the user who posted the story has a private account and you are not on their approved followers list, you will not be able to view their content. Additionally, the user might have blocked you or restricted your access to their stories, resulting in the unavailability message.

Why Does Instagram Say This Story Is Unavailable?

Most of the time, when a story goes missing on Instagram, it is due to permissions-related issues or the inherent design of the platform. However, technical glitches can also interfere, and understanding the various potential causes can help you determine the appropriate solution.

Possible Causes for Missing Instagram Stories

1. The Story is Expired: By design, all Instagram stories expire after 24 hours. This ephemeral nature means that if you receive a link to a story and do not view it within this time frame, you will encounter the message “This story is unavailable” as a placeholder. This is a common occurrence, especially if you’re busy and unable to check the story promptly.

2. A Bug is Mistakenly Claiming a User Has a New Story: On rare occasions, an Instagram profile may indicate that a user has a new story when, in fact, there is nothing to show. This is typically a glitch within the app where the story icon appears highlighted, but clicking on it leads to the “unavailable” message because no actual story content is present.

3. The Story Was Personally Deleted: Users have the ability to manually delete their stories before the 24-hour period ends. There could be numerous reasons for this, such as feeling embarrassed about the content, worrying about offending someone, or deciding that the story reveals too much personal information. When a story is deleted, anyone attempting to view it will see the “unavailable” message.

4. You Don’t Have Permission to View the Story: Some Instagram users restrict their story access to only their followers or a select Close Friends list. If you are not included in these groups and attempt to view the story via a link, you will encounter an error message indicating that the story is unavailable. This is a privacy feature to ensure that only approved viewers can see certain content.

why does instagram say this story is unavailable

5. The Host Profile Has Switched to Private: If someone who used to have a public profile switches to a private account, only their approved followers will be able to view their stories. If you were previously able to see their stories but are no longer a follower, you will be unable to access their current stories, resulting in the unavailability message.

6. You’ve Been Blocked: If the person hosting the story no longer wants to interact with you, they might block your account. When blocked, you are prevented from viewing their stories and other content. Attempting to circumvent this by creating alternate accounts can lead to further issues, such as being reported for harassment and potentially being banned from Instagram.

7. Instagram Itself Has Removed the Story: Instagram’s moderation policies mean that stories violating community guidelines may be removed. This can happen if the content includes nudity, spam, copyright infringement, hate speech, credible threats, dangerous misinformation, or harassment. When Instagram deletes a story, it will no longer be accessible, and viewers will see the “unavailable” message.

8. Your Internet Connection is Weak: A poor cellular or Wi-Fi connection can prevent the Instagram app from loading a story properly. If your signal is weak or your internet speed is too slow, the app may fail to load the story, resulting in an error message indicating the story is unavailable.

9. There’s a Bug in the App: Occasionally, software glitches within the Instagram app can prevent a story from loading correctly. Even if the story exists and you have permission to view it, these bugs can interfere with the loading process, causing the “unavailable” message to appear.

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How To Fix This Story Is Unavailable In Instagram

In many cases, there won’t be an easy solution for accessing a missing Instagram story because story access is often controlled by the platform’s settings or the preferences of the user who posted it. However, there are some scenarios where you might be able to take action to address the issue. Here are detailed steps you can take depending on the situation:

1. If You Don’t Have Permission, You’ve Been Blocked, or a Profile Has Been Set to Private
In situations where you are unable to view a story because you lack the necessary permissions, you’ve been blocked, or the profile has been set to private, your best option is to reach out to the person directly. You can contact them via phone, chat, or another social media platform and politely ask if they can adjust their settings to allow you access. For example, you might ask them to approve you as a follower or add you to their Close Friends list if the story is restricted to that group.

2. If Your Internet Connection is Weak
A weak or unstable internet connection can prevent Instagram stories from loading properly. To troubleshoot this issue, try switching your connection from cellular data to Wi-Fi, or vice versa. If one type of connection is slow or unreliable, the other might provide a stronger signal and better performance.

why does instagram say this story is unavailable

3. If You Suspect There’s an App Glitch
Sometimes, a technical glitch within the Instagram app can cause stories to appear as unavailable even when they exist. To resolve this, start by checking if there is an update available for the Instagram app. Updates often include bug fixes that can address such issues.


Encountering the “This story is unavailable” message on Instagram can be attributed to various factors, most of which are intentional design choices or privacy settings. Stories may become unavailable due to their expiration after 24 hours, the poster’s privacy settings, personal deletions, or because the account has been set to private.

While some of these causes are beyond your control, such as intentional blocks or privacy restrictions, other issues like connectivity problems and app glitches can be addressed with simple troubleshooting steps. Ensuring a strong internet connection, updating the Instagram app, and managing app settings can help mitigate some of these issues.

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