Submit a Story

At TechGPR, we believe that every tech enthusiast has a unique perspective or experience to share. If you’ve had a personal encounter with the world of technology, or if you have insights or news about the latest tech trends that you think our readers would find interesting, we encourage you to share your story with us!

We’re looking for exclusive, thought-provoking, and well-researched articles about technology, be it reviews, guides, industry insights, tech news, or personal experiences.

How to Submit Your Story

Please follow the guidelines below to increase the chances of your story being published:

1. Article Guidelines

  • The article should be original and exclusive to TechGPR. Please do not submit articles that have been published elsewhere.
  • The ideal length for an article is between 800 and 1500 words.
  • The article should be factual, well-researched, and should include sources if necessary.
  • The article should be relevant to the field of technology. This can include topics such as tech news, gadget reviews, industry trends, software tutorials, or personal experiences related to technology.

2. Submission Process

To submit your story:

  • Email your article as a Word document or Google Docs link to
  • Include your full name, brief bio, and social media handles (if any).
  • Attach relevant high-resolution images with appropriate credits (if necessary).
  • Make sure the subject line of your email is “Story Submission: [Title of your Story]”

3. Editorial Process

Our editorial team reviews each submission and if your article meets our standards and aligns with our content strategy, we will reach out to you. Please note that due to the volume of submissions, we may not be able to respond to every submission.


By submitting your article to us, you agree to grant TechGPR exclusive publishing rights for the content. Please ensure your work is original to avoid any potential copyright issues.

We look forward to reading your stories and thank you for choosing to share your insights with the TechGPR community!

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